얼마나 아름다운 세상…

(Juno’s Passing)

The sky above, crystalline jet velvet
lost in the oblivion of space but for the
diamond droplets sparkling so near, so far …

and the pearlescent moon, pendant…

Underfoot, luminous snow—
the storm has come
the storm has pass’d
the chilled earth gently sighs **
‘neath it’s ephemeral cloak
voluminous; snow…

My lips surprise me relaxing into a … smile…?

 and then, muttering, sighing:

“얼마나 아름다운 세상…!”


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2 Responses to 얼마나 아름다운 세상…

  1. jhusili says:

    Dear Curio,

    Just wanted to share with you –

    A dad-daughter adventure: at 5 30 in the morning

    My father was already out on our terrace on this cold winter morning staring up at the sky like he never does. I found the door open and found him outside and found in me an urge to follow his eyes and glance at the sky to find out what curiosity was compelling him to turn his head so. He said to me, in utter seriousness, and with finger pointing, “There, the sun is about to rise from the west today.”

    And I looked towards the west and saw, from beneath the western hills, a silvery glow emanate. My soul stirred and I have to admit, for a sliver of a second, armageddon and UFOs all flashed before my eyes.

    Then he pointed his finger towards the east, equally surprised to see, behind the eastern hills, nothing but complete darkness.

    Suspended in time and space and bewilderment like that, we stared at the glowing light some more. Until both of us figured out that it wasn’t the rising sun as much as the setting moon that was the cause of all this hullabaloo. And we went indoors, both laughing.

    Your pearlescent moon will be full tonight. I hope you enjoy it when it finally arrives. Goodnight…

    Until then, good morning!


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